Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Welcome New/Previous Officers and Club Members to a New Semester!!!

Officer Elections Are In!

  • Club Advisor - Kerry Loewen 
  • President - Virginia Marrujo
  • Vice President - Veronica Black
  • Secretary - Jozette Marrujo
  • Publicist - Naomi Padilla
  • Project Managers - Ben Jeremiah, Levelle Lee
  • Snack Shop Manager - Rebecca Glenn

Congratulations to all elected officers looks like the year is under way and we are ready for many productions. I am very proud to be working with everyone

Meeting Notes

  • We have chosen Tara's script, the theme is "No texting during movies". Those who have taken an HD class and would like to be director must submit a story board based on Tara's script by Tuesday Sept. 28, 2010, which will be our next meeting.
  • We will be having a "Paint the town Purple" bake sale on Wednesday Sept.29,2010 from 10am-4pm. There will be a sign up sheet in Virginia's box (located in Mary's office) to sign up for what you will be bringing to the bake sale, please be sure to make your baked goods purple (be creative!). We will discuss what time you would like to work the bake sale during Tuesday meeting. If everyone is still interested in doing a cake walk we must submit 1 cake and include it on the sheet when you sign up for what you will bring.
  • Las Vegas New Mexico 175th Anniversary! I will be e-mailing everyone the brochures to saturate the campus with the information for the events. Also it was asked of us to memorize the schedule so if anyone asks we can let them know immediately. I have not received information regarding our position in volunteering for the event, except for promoting the brochures. I will let everyone as soon as this information does become available.
Thanks to everyone for all the participation and hard work you have put into the club. All of your officers look forward to the wonderful semester ahead of us!

~Jozette Marrujo
~Media Arts Club Secretary



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