Friday, November 14, 2008

Meeting 11-14-08

Hello all! Just an update on the latest media arts club news!

We will soon have new lobby furniture! It should be here with in a week or two!

Mary needs a letter from the club about the donations she had made to us for tax write-off purposes.

Mary also has invited the club to throw a Christmas party at her house. Probably December 11th. We will be doing pot luck again. Please see Jessie to sign up for something. Be prepared to play the gift exchange game! Please bring a $10 wrapped gift to the party.

The fall semester showing will be held December 8th. The media arts club will be responsible for the food and setting up the displays! Come help... or we will kill you!

Eddie Dominguez will hold a lecture on Tuesday November 18th, 4-6 pm. The club will be shooting him. If you would like to help shoot Eddie Dominguez please come to Ilfeld Theater at 4 PM.

People at the meeting:


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