Friday, November 14, 2008

Meeting 11-14-08

Hello all! Just an update on the latest media arts club news!

We will soon have new lobby furniture! It should be here with in a week or two!

Mary needs a letter from the club about the donations she had made to us for tax write-off purposes.

Mary also has invited the club to throw a Christmas party at her house. Probably December 11th. We will be doing pot luck again. Please see Jessie to sign up for something. Be prepared to play the gift exchange game! Please bring a $10 wrapped gift to the party.

The fall semester showing will be held December 8th. The media arts club will be responsible for the food and setting up the displays! Come help... or we will kill you!

Eddie Dominguez will hold a lecture on Tuesday November 18th, 4-6 pm. The club will be shooting him. If you would like to help shoot Eddie Dominguez please come to Ilfeld Theater at 4 PM.

People at the meeting:


Friday, October 31, 2008

Meeting 10-31-08

Media Arts club members, we need your help. We know this is a busy semester but please help out with club activities! Be active or the club will die! DIE!

Also Mary's Halloween part is tonight. Please dress up and bring some food!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Meeting 10-24-08

Day of the Dead will take place at Burris Hall at 5-9 ish pm on Wednesday 10-29-08. The club will be filming the event and doing interviews. If you can help with the filming please come!

There is a homecoming parade tomorrow. Please meet in front of the media arts building at 9 AM to help set up to sell cocoa.

Furniture for the lobby is still in the works. We have a few lumps to work out before it gets here. Hopefully we won't have lumpy furniture. :)

We will be attending the Santa Fe Film Festival. Dec 5-7th. We may carpool for this event.

The trip to the ABQ fun center may take place the Saturday after next or be pushed back to next semester. Stay in tune for more details.

The Hispanic Education Group that Virgina works with is willing to partner with us on our spring film festival. We are considering an April date for the showing.

Mary will have a party at her house at 7PM on 10-31-08. Please sign up to bring food. You must wear a costume.

Jessie - Fruit and fruit dip (not chip dip)
Katie - rice krispie treats, spaghetti
Veronica & Ben - Cheese, Mole, Chips
Andrew - pumpkin ice cream cake
Megan - apple and pumpkin tarts
Kenneth -something from Africa

People at today's meeting:

Friday, October 10, 2008

Meeting 10-10-08

Today's meeting was a quick meeting.

The votes were counted and we decided to go to the ABQ fun center for our fun trip and go to the Santa Fe Film Festival Dec 5-7th.

Homecoming plans were also discussed. We plan to have a small table outside of the media arts building to sell cocoa, tea, coffee or other drinks during the parade.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Meeting 10-3-08

We voted on things to do for the club trip. Votes were also taken all week long.

There will be a grill out at Mary's house. She needs help taking pictures under her house for her insurance. Mary also wants to have a Halloween party at her house. The club wants to get her a proper house warming gift.

Don't forget about Andy, Megan and Robert's art showing in Burris Hall!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Meeting 9-26-08

During this week we will be voting on where we are going in Santa Fe. A list of places will be available in the front lobby and a basket will be placed outside Mary's office to collect everyone's vote.

Stacey's suggestion was a trip to the Santa Fe Film Festival.

Joe had the suggestion of going rock wall climbing in Albuquerque.

Megan also had several suggestions that included:

The bill for money should be at the Senate this weekend. The senate meets this Sunday at 7:30. Please be there if you can.

Andy, Megan and Robert has an exhibition scheduled for 9-22-08 to 10-24-08 in Burris Hall Gallery. The reception will be held on 10-11-08.

We are still looking for speakers. One suggestion was Kristen Quintana.

Mary want to have to club over for another cookout. Around Halloween? The club may also provide a housewarming gift for Mary.

In attendance at the meeting:


Saturday, September 20, 2008

Meeting 9-19-08

Hello all! This is an overview for the meeting on 9-19-08.

The furniture should be arriving for the new lobby soon.

The senate did not receive our bill for the $250 fund money. We will bring this bill up at the next senate meeting on 9-28-08 at 7:30.

For homecoming, we are not doing a float. We decided to set up a booth and sell drinks like coffee or soda.

We will be selling raffle tickets for Carlos Santana and other donated items to raise money for the club.

Start thinking of professionals that can come and speak to the club and campus. We are considering using the time before the Wednesday night movies hosted by the radio station to use for this speaking session.

Santa Fe trip this semester! Think of ideas and places to go! Movies, bowling, art galleries... we need ideas!

People in attendance at the meeting:


Saturday, September 13, 2008

Meeting 9-12-08

This at the meeting:

Sunday is a senate meeting where we will introduce our bill for free money! Please be there at 7:30 on Sunday in the student senate chambers. The more representation, the better!

Rush week is coming up and we will have a booth out in Central Park. Stop by!

Other rush week events include a Tuesday lunch at 11-1 in Central Park. There will be Olympic games too! And on Wednesday a scavenger hunt from 10-4.

We are considering a float for homecoming week. We need ideas!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Meeting 9-5-08

Hello all... here is what we did at today's meeting!

There is a good possibility that in a few years the Media Arts department will be moving into a new building. This building will be located right behind the campus police department. Keep your fingers corssed.

We will be starting a raffle soon. This raffle will run through the end of the semester and the drawing will be held at the Show.

The club will design business cards or flyers to hand out to prospective students.

The student senate is holding a T-shirt design contest for homecoming. Please submit desings soon.

We discussed doing a home coming float. Virg has a small trailor and truck that we can use.
The theme is "Let's Ride".

The name of the new larger printer is Rex... but we can call it reXena.

Attendents for the meeting was:


Sunday, August 31, 2008

Meeting 8-29-08

Hello All!

At Friday's meeting we put up the other metal sign board. Thanks to all that came out and helped!

At the next meeting we will be voting on the name for the new giant printer.

Got any ideas for the name? Post them up here!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Metting 8-21-08

Hello all! This is an update on this week's past meeting and some events that happened over the weekend.

The club held a yard sale Saturday at Mary's house. The yard sale went great. We made over $150.

This past Friday Veronica, Ben and Jessie all headed down to the plaza to promote the club at the fall kick off bash held by the city of Las Vegas.

Friday morning club members also started to hang the metal poster boards in the lobby.

At the meeting we decided that the best time to meet for club meetings for the rest of the semester would be Friday at 1 PM.

The club will also be posting updates on the Media Arts facebook page.

Donna has offered the use of Ilfield Auditorium for events for the club.

The club would like to do some small events this semester including things like bowling or rock climbing.

The club discussed some new rules for the election of officers.
New rules for being an officer include:

*officers must be in good standing
*declared major or minor in media arts
*interested persons should write a letter of interest and present it to the club
*one cannot be re-elected twice to the same position
*a 51% majority vote of all club members to elect a person into position.
*if one officer must step down from their position, the next in line will take over
*elections will be held in the 2nd week of the fall semester and the positions will run through the summer

We are also considering adding the position of historian. This person would be responsible for taking photos and video of events and putting together a scrapbook.

We are considering of re-writing the position of treasure to include the responsibilities of fundraising management and getting change (money) for events.

In attendence at this club meeting:


Cabrini and Daniel also stopped by. We had a visitor named Inglish at the meeting this week.

Monday, August 18, 2008

First Day of Class!

Thanks to all of those whom participated in painting the lobby in time for the first day of class!
It looks awesome!

Our first meeting will be on Thursday Aug 21, 2008 at 5pm.
The meeting will be held in our new lobby in front of Mary's office.

I do apologize for misspelling your name Brandie!
It's right now!

Have a nice evening and look forward to seeing everyone at the meeting!

Don't forget to bring anyone who may want to join the club!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Welcome & Special Thanks!

On behalf of the media arts club, I would just like to welcome Megan Jacobs, our newest professor, to the department.

Also thanks to all the media arts staff and the KEDP 91.1 staff for all the help and support they have given us!

Painting The Lobby!

We have started the painting in the lobby.

It is almost complete but would like help finishing on Tuesday August 12, 2008 in the afternoon.

Thanks to everyone who has participated. I know we were all busy but came together to get it done in time for the new semester. Good Job!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The start and end of semesters and passing on of the blogs!

Last semester we had a successful game night, end of semester show, fundraiser and GREAT semester all around. I would just like to say good job!

Also congratulations to those who had successful internships during the summer! Job well done!

As for the new semester we will be painting the lobby on Friday 8-1-08.
We will also start to make flowers for the float.
Also there will be a T-shirt design contest for Homecoming. As soon as we recieve more information we will update.

I will no longer be doing the blogs. I am happily passing the job over to our new Secretary Jessie Powers. Congratulations to Brandy whom has been appointed the new publisict and to me your new Vice President. Veronica is our lovely President!

Let's make this semester twice as much fun!

Everyone treat Jess nice and see you at the meetings!

It's all yours Jess!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Film Project 1


We were asked to film a production put on by the theatrical arts department to be held in the Sala De Madrid building. Jessie and I (Virginia) volunteered and it was a good show. We will be editing the footage to present a DVD to them. Anyone interested in helping with the editing please let me know.

The more projects we complete successfully the more exposure we attract for the department. Remember its not only the money but the experience!

We were paid for the project and the funds go to the media arts club for a special meeting.
Good Job!


Meeting updates!

  • Video Game Night
  • Raffles


The date is set and now we just need to start organizing the event. Just a reminder this one will be bigger and longer so please make this a priority on your calenders for March 27.


The prize is in. The raffle will be for dinner and a movie. Here are the sponsors:

Plaza Hotel - Dinner for two

Kiva Theatar - Movie for two including a popcorn & drink combo

More on the dates at the next meeting!

1/31/07 meeting!

  • Crispy Creme
  • Raffles
  • Senate Bill
  • Trips to Santa Fe
  • Video Game Night


Crispy Creme went out of business and it was suggested we have a donut sale through a local bakery. The decision was it would not do so well so we are no longer having the donut sale.


We will be having a raffle to raise more money. Once the prizes are in I will update everyone when we will be having the raffle.


We have sent the bill in to recieve funds for this semester.


Andrew set a date for March 7 to visit Santa Fe. This date will be finalized at the next meeting.


The date has been set for March 27. So please do not make plans for this night. Due to the outcome of the last game night we are going to need everyone to show up and help. More on game night will be discussed in the next few meetings.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Welcome Back!

Nice to have everyone back!

We would like to welcome all the new members!
Here is the list of officers for you!
President - Veronica Black
Vice President - Kenneth Bachicha
Secetary - Virginia Marrujo
Advisor - Andrew Wollner

Monday, January 7, 2008

Albq. Studios trip!

I am going to see about the studio trip this semester but would like to know if everyone is still interested in taking the trip! Please let me know!

End of semester show!

The end of semester show was a big hit! We got lots of feed back and requests! So the next show can be even bigger and better than the last! Our goal is to make the media arts department the best at NMHU! We are almost there thanks to everyone who has put a lot of work into helping! Let's make this the funnest and best club we have had!

Matt Page!

Thanks once again to Matt Page for the workshop! It was very informative and we had a lot of fun! This was a great opportunity for everyone to meet one of the film industries newest and hottest NM independant Director!

Early announcement

Here is some festivals for those who want to get together and proceed with our blitz productions.
Or for those who want to enter their work individually. If you do enter a festival let us know so we can recognize you.

Happy new year! We kick off 2008 with 7 new festivals and many quickly expiring deadlines - including exclusive WAB Extended Deadlines, providing one last chance for submission to exciting events around the world. Resolve to make your mark on the festival circuit in the new year, and submit today! BIG OPPORTUNITIES INCLUDE... - Independent Television Festival- Foursite Film Festival- Atlanta Film Festival- Beverly Hills Shorts Festival- National Film Festival for Talented Youth- Los Angeles Film Festival- Sarasota Film Festival Find the best fests for your film or screenplay, and submit, submit, submit! FILM FINANCING DOWN FLORIDA WAYIt's never a bad idea to learn more about film financing opportunities or to make more financing connections. Knowing this all too well, the 2008 Palm Beach International Film Festival will feature the Film Financing Production Conference. The conference is free for any filmmaker who submits a film to the festival, whether or not they are accepted and screened. The classes will be focused on helping writers, directors, and producers of low budget and guerilla productions. Submit to PBIFF for your free admission to the conference, and mark it on your calendar. The early deadline has passed and the late deadline is quickly approaching! The 2008 Festival takes place April 10-17; the late deadline is January 21. Submit your films to receive visibility in this high-end market...View Listing: SHARE SOME LAUGHS...Submit your comedy short of 15 minutes or less to the Withoutabox Distributionlab today. While there are no guarantees, know that we will do everything we can to help you succeed with distribution and beyond.View Listing: ____________________________________________________________ WELCOME BACK TO OLD FRIENDS: Trenton Film Festival, Trenton, NJJanuary 9, 2008 - Earlybird DeadlineUpgraded projects save $5Watch List: Moondance International Film Festival, Boulder, CO February 1, 2008 - Earlybird Deadline Upgraded projects save $5 Watch List: HollyShorts Film Festival, Marina Del Rey, CAFebruary 15, 2008 - Earlybird DeadlineUpgraded projects save $5Watch List: Honolulu Rainbow Film Festival, Honolulu, HIFebruary 15, 2008 - Earlybird DeadlineUpgraded projects save $5Watch List: Central Florida Film Festival, Orlando, FLFebruary 29, 2008 - Earlybird DeadlineUpgraded projects save $10Watch List: Independent Television Festival, Los Angeles, CAApril 30, 2008 - Earlybird DeadlineUpgraded projects save $5Watch List: AND WELCOME TO THIS BRAND NEW PARTNER: Hollywood Mobile Festival, Hollywood, CAROLLING DEADLINEUpgraded projects save $5 Watch List:

Happy New Year!

Hope everyone had a great holiday break!
Welcome to the new semester!